Monday, December 31, 2007

Definitely Married Man - TOP Ways / Tips to manage Wives (Happiness)

Counter view - TOP Ways / Tips to manage Wives (Happiness)

Male, 25, Indian, Married, all these four words generally do not appear in the same sequence in case of Indian Men or at least not in Bangalore. So if you are reading them together, you can definitely predict signs of an early marriage for that man. I am, definitely a 25 yr young married man in India trying to manage the Happiness (acronym Wife) and relationship.

Many people might envy me because of an early marriage, a good job and a cheerful and supportive wife. What they might not know are the clever subtleties of managing the happiness in relationships.

Here are TOP ways or TOP Tips to manage Wives (or happiness)

One: Do you remember, while testing your driving skill for a licence, you have to project yourself "as the slowest driver and let everyone pass you by. And once you get your licence, you know how to Drive the car anyways :D".

Marriage is the ultimate driving test. Always project that you are naive enough to believe that your wife is making you believe you are smarter than her, even though, you know what the truth is. The disadvantage - you will keep hearing, nice ego massaging statements. {Warning:- this behaviour leads to depletion of bank account "}, But do not worry, if you do not follow this behaviour the damage to your bank balance is anyway going to be higher. So this is a safe and conservative approach to manage happiness.

Two: As a cancerian, the route to my heart is through my stomach. So essentially, I boost my wife's morale, at her every culinary attempt. This keeps her happy and you get delicious home cooked food. There can be some aberrations though. However, in general interest and long term Happiness its highly recommended to appreciate the food. In certain cases, where your wife, might not be a good cook, you might want to take an alternate path. However, if your wife cooks well "which in my case, she does" you should blindly follow this approach.

Three: Remember Important Days. This is vital for any husband's existence. Use mobile calendars, sticky notes, friends, websites, PC calendars or whatever that can help you remember important occassions.
And importantly, compliment these dates and occasions with GIFT'S'. The 's' is the 's' of happinesssss. More the 's', more the happiness! Look for subtle hints which your wife gives you while you are mall gazing or passing by a jewellery / shoe / bag store. But be warned, dont't show interest immediately or ur wallet will be damaged right then. Pretend to ignore, and you would anyway have to run on the last day, but you already have the right ideas on what to buy her.

Four: Respect her time with her female friends. Support her while ahe plans to catch up with her old friends. Probably cook your own food, drop her at the place, finish off some cleaning the house activities in her absence. Just these small things would help in the long term.
BTW: Keep your plans ready during this time of "freedom" - call some of your friends over. But, donot project you had a better time than her ar you might not enjoy this freedom for a long time again.

Follow these and you'll be the perfect husband and did I say no-body is perfect?

A much married woman - TOP ways to manage Husbands and Happiness

Being a young wife, not too young by the traditional Indian Standards, but definitely young by the modern Indian standards has its own quirks. On one hand, the older relatives who were married much earlier than you were, can't quiet understand "what your problem is" - with cooking, running the house, work-life balance, husband and most importantly - not feeling the need to reproduce immediately.

The younger ones who are note yet married, can't understand "what your problem is" either - with an indulging husband, good job, and no children.

But what is the problem indeed? How does one manage their husband and in the process their happiness in the marriage. From my brief experience into a marriage this is what I have figured (maybe subject to change on better experience):

TOP ways to manage Husbands and Happiness

Never for a moment let the husband know the eternal truth - that you are smarter than your husband. Constantly keeping him under the belief he is "Mr. know" all will do good things for his ego and even better for your wardrobe.

Two: Great cooking - cooking is no rocket science. What with all the numerous websites with recipes on everything from boiled rice to paneer makhni kurma masala. And thanks to Google, just key in the name with the all important word "EASY" and there you have it - A way to get dinner ready in 45 minutes and an enthralled husband.

Three: Subtly reminding him about forthcoming important occasions (birthday - yours and his, anniversary, Valentines Day & any other day you feel like recieving a gift) is vital to ensure you are not disappointed on those occasions. Begin well a month in advance. Every trip to the mall should include pointing to the things you adore and gushing over all the Jewellery / shoes / bags. Lapse of memory by the husband then cannot be given as an excuse when the occasion arises. But be subtle and do not nag

Four: Give him some time alone with the boys. Irrespective of how much men claim not to gossip, exchanging notes with his married pals will have him see how fortunate he is to have you - theego boosting, great cooking, no nagging wife.